High Magic vs. Low Magic Fantasy – Ep20
This week we take a look at fantasy roleplaying and the debate over high magic and low magic. There are many different theories on which is better, but ultimately it is personal preference. We , as a...
View ArticleHack & Slash vs. Roleplay – Ep22
This week we continue a trend where we pit a philosophical aspect of gaming against another. Now we look at combat heavy games (or even just game sessions) and how they stack up against games that...
View ArticleCharacter Failures – Ep29
In roleplaying games, much like life, failure is the greatest teacher. So why, then, are gamers so resistant to that truth? Players will fight tooth and nail to keep adversity away. Does that do them a...
View ArticleUsed Gaming Auction – Ep31
Now for something completely… nope, not gonna do it. Recently some of our band of malcontents had the pleasure of being welcomed by the Fantasy Shop in St. Charles, Missouri to record during one of...
View ArticleAlignment – Ep33
Many roleplaying games have a mechanic in place to gauge characters morality. In Dungeons and Dragons, that system is called alignment. It is one of the most misused and misunderstood aspects of...
View ArticleNPCs – Ep34
The Non-Player Character, next a good plot, probably the most important aspect of a game. With strong NPCs a good game can become a great game. This episode we talk about memorable NPCs and what...
View ArticleDragons – Ep35
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of a dragon? We answer this as we talk about fantasy’s most iconic creature. Dragons – Ep35 Cast – Eric, Mike, Dan, Jayson and Shawn …...
View ArticleWhat Type of Player Are You? – Ep47
On the popular gaming website, EN World, there is a thread on their forum that caught our attention. It is a poll that asks how you would categorize yourself in gamer terms. We put ourselves to the...
View ArticleFictional Societies – Ep54
How believable are the societies in roleplaying games? Many of the established game worlds we play in expect the suspension of belief, granted. If you really look at it, though, is an evil society...
View ArticlenOOb Gamer Outreach Program – Ep67
A listener asked us to give some insight on getting into the hobby of tabletop role playing games. Being so far removed from this, we are probably not the best people to ask advice from, but he did so...
View ArticleShannon’s First Game – Finale – Black Gus
This is the conclusion of our newest member’s first tabletop game. Ivy Nightfall and her companions are escorting a crate of unknown cargo to a nearby town. They had just made it to the home stretch...
View ArticleClerics – Ep82
Why are the healers in fantasy role-play neglected or downright shunned? For us, we have almost had to draw lots to determine who would play the cleric. We discuss this oft maligned, yet vital piece of...
View ArticleHeroines – Ep83
In a hobby dominated by male archetypes (or clichés), sometimes what a campaign needs is a woman’s touch. The days of the woman being merely a piece of treasure or a plaything at a local watering hole...
View ArticleSamurai – Ep88
What is a Samurai, and why the hell would anyone play one? That is the question we asked ourselves, at least some of us did, when confronted with the opportunity to play a game that focused on these...
View ArticleMass Combat – Ep89
Many moons ago, roleplaying games were begotten from strategy based miniature battles. With this background in war games, and the propensity of massive battles in many of the tropes of fantasy and...
View ArticleSocial Skills – Ep120
One aspect of roleplaying games that has grown in fashion with us is the concept of the “social skill”. Where we used to role play situations, now we roll a die add a modifier and move on. Has this...
View ArticleVirtues & Vices – Ep252
Wath the problem? Setting up your character’s virtues and vices is like establishing guidelines for play. Cast – Mike, Shannon, Dan, Eric and Jayson Like our show? Become a Patron. If you have...
View ArticlePirates! – Ep256
What does it mean to really play a true pirate campaign? Have we ever really done it? Cast – Dan, Eric, Jayson, Shawn, Mike and Shannon Like our show? Become a Patron. If you have some input on this,...
View ArticleDeities & Demigods – Ep263
Many of the tales that are told have their basis in lore of deified beings. We take a look at the way gods are used in the games we play, and how to mix things up a bit. Cast – Eric, Jayson, Shawn,...
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